Tynesia Boyea-Robinson is brilliant- full stop. Byron says that she’s one of the top 5 smartest people he knows…and that’s saying something. An alumnus of both Duke and Harvard, her ability to make intellect approachable and complex concepts understood is a small part of what has enabled her to serve as counselor, adviser, and change maker for global brands and organizations who are focused on doing more good with more of their resources. (Yes, we wrote that sentence correctly.)
As the President and CEO of CapEQ (that’s “Cap E-Q,” don’t get it twisted), she has one mission- to help investors and businesses achieve superior financial returns through social impact and to change the way the world does business. Clearly, Tynesia sets no small goals. Her focus on helping enterprises do well and do good has led her to help Fortune 500 companies, International Foundations, and Universities create pathways and actionable plans to impact their world while positively impacting their bottom line. She also has a mean flex.
Curiously Creative
Twitter: @tyboyea