Amanda Austin: On Being Funny in a Pandemic, Chasing Dreams and Knowing When to Take a Bow

Home / Casually Creative / Amanda Austin: On Being Funny in a Pandemic, Chasing Dreams and Knowing When to Take a Bow

Amanda Austin‘s story is proof that class clowns do get ahead (yes, you can tell your mom you told her so). As a child, Amanda had the unique combination of both natural-born entrepreneur and innate entertainer- starting her first business by the age of 11. Over the years, her love of connecting with people and a study of comedy led her to found the Dallas Comedy House, an iconic improv and comedy club and one of the first in the DFW Metroplex. Over the course of 12 years, DCH would become a haven to burgeoning comedians, kids trying improv for the first time, and corporate executives working on better stage presence. For many, DCH was home. 
After successfully expanding both the size and scope of what DCH offered, Amanda was confronted with a stark reality as COVID-19 wreaked havoc on the country, ultimately canceling her annual comedy festival and decimating her business…just weeks after moving into her brand new facility. Amanda’s story is one of continued resilience- amidst trying landlords, public support, and private growth, Amanda has stayed dedicated to making connections count with those she works alongside and serves each day. Our time with Amanda was hilarious (obvi), encouraging, and a reminder that setbacks from big dreams will happen, what you do with the time after is what makes the greatest impact for your (and others’) future.
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